Lexi Miller

I was lucky enough to be born and raised in the mountains of Colorado. As a child of two ultrarunners and adventurers, I spent most of my childhood outside, enjoying endurance activities (backpacking, skiing, hiking, biking, and lots of running). I ran varsity track and cross country through high school before stepping back from the sport in college. It was essential for me to rebuild my relationship with running and make it a sport that was my own, not just “what I did.”

After graduating from Western State College of Colorado, where I ran casually but was very serious about downhill skiing and drinking beer, I found that I had slowed down. After adopting a wild cattle dog puppy, I ran my first marathon at 23. With no training and stopping at mile 17 to have a shot, I finished in 5 hours and 17 minutes. After another couple of years of running without purpose or direction, I became curious to see what I could do if I trained with intention. I started reading books on the science behind training, getting more specific with my strength training, and utilizing cross training to stay healthy. Three years after my first marathon, I ran my first Boston Qualifying time, and another year later, I ran my fastest time of 3:12:41 (over two hours faster than my first marathon.)

I started dabbling in more ultras, running and completing several 50ks and 50 milers, as well as one 100-mile race, though I have learned the most from pacing and crewing more than a dozen ultras. I have also set one ultra distance fastest known time on a very rugged trail in the Grand Canyon.

Outside of running, I still enjoy skiing, hiking, and dabbling in cycling and rock climbing. Family is the center of all activities currently, as we welcomed our first human child in the summer of 2021.


I specialize in endurance coaching, not just in running events, but other mountain sports as well as big adventures. My running expertise lies in the marathon and ultra marathon distances, helping indviduals find their speed and strength to cover long distances. I also enjoy helping new athletes, or those returning from injury, child birth, or a hiatus develop good habits while training for any distance.

As for the adventure athletes, I have coached mountaineers, nordic skiers, kayakers, skimo racers, mountain guides, wildland firefighters, rock climbers, cyclists, backpackers, and those working to check of FKTs. I enjoy researching and developing training plans that develop whole-body strength and endurance needed for big adventures.

I work with all ages, genders, and identities and adjust my approach to the personality and need of each athlete. Every training plan includes not only endurance training, but also strength training, guidance with nutrition, data analysis and recommendations for recovery.

Endurance Coaching

All levels of coaching are paid on a subscription basis.

Discounts are available, please inquire.

$50.00 every month

Are you not quite ready for full coaching, but need some guidance in your training? This plan provides you with a static training plan and a quarterly check-in. You will not receive data analysis or hands-on coaching, best for the autonomous athlete.

Sale Price:$125.00 every month Original Price:$190.00 every month

This plan includes

  • Training Plans, including strength and nutritional guidance

  • Plan built 1-4 weeks in advance

  • Guidance on how to adjust the training plan to your your needs

  • Quarterly phone calls, or calls before a major race/ event

  • A Premium TrainingPeaks subscription

  • Data analysis with comments in TrainingPeaks 1X a week

  • Email as needed

Sale Price:$190.00 every month Original Price:$225.00 every month

Standard Level Coaching is the most common level of coaching. What is included:

  • Training Plans, including strength and nutritional guidance

  • Monthly phone or zoom call

  • Emails as needed

  • Data analysis with comments 3X a week

  • Nutrition Consultation

  • Premium Subscription to Training Peaks

  • Plans built out 2-4 weeks in advance

Sale Price:$250.00 every month Original Price:$325.00 every month

Training Plans, including strength and nutritional guidance

  • Training plan, including strength and nutritional guidance

  • Training plans built as far in advance as the athlete prefers

  • Changes made to training plan as needed

  • Race Analysis

  • Weekly phone or zoom call

  • Emails as needed

  • Unlimited text or What’s App messaging

  • Data analysis with comments 5X a week

  • Nutrition Consultation and plan

  • Mental performance consolation and plan

  • Premium Subscription to Training Peaks


Nutrition Coaching

As a Certified Endurance Sports Nutrition Coach, I am here to provide holistic guidance to your health. I take an Intuitive Eating approach to Nutrition Coaching, focusing on the body’s needs, rather than counting calories.

One Time Nutrition Consultation

Need some guidance on how to fuel your body for effective training? In a one hour conversation, I will answer your nutrition questions, provide you with a information on how to best fuel daily and on race day, a fueling plan, and send you on your way with two work sheets and a cook book to help you towards your goals.

This is included in Elite Level Coaching

Add To Cart
Monthly Nutrition Plan
$20.00 every month

A nutritional guide with recipes. This does not include any fitness guidance.
